JPK Metallics Pvt. Ltd. was originated in 2005, when Mr. Kailash Pat Agarwala, with over 3 decades ofexperience in the foundry business, spread his manufacturing base by setting up KPA Securities Pvt.Ltd.,a Ductile Iron castings manufacturing unit, in Uluberia, Howrah (West Bengal).
This was a bold and pioneering step forward since only a few Indian companies had until then venturedinto manufacturing of Ductile Iron castings. The early mover advantage has yielded rich dividends forthecompany, which today can boast of being one of the highest producer of sanitary castings andranksamongst the top manufacturers of Ductile Iron castings in West Bengal.
From the early days of being a hand-moulding foundry, the company today is a modern and fullyequippedfoundry having machine moulding processes and semi automatic sand plant. It has also extended itsproducts base to Pipe Fittings and Engineering Castings.
KPA Securities Pvt. Ltd. is today JPK Metallics Pvt. Ltd., where every stage of production is supervisedunder strong quality systems and where regular up-gradation and product development is the in-house.
motto, to ensure that the company never falters in its commitment to give the best to the mostdiscerningof buyers in every market worldwide.
